
Introduction: What is the Y-Strap tool?
The Y-Strap tool is a stretching tool to perform manual spine decompression. This spine stretching tool allows spine stretching by supporting the sub-occipital region of the skull to decompress the cervical, dorsal and lumber parts of the spine. With this device you can achieve muscular relaxation in: The back muscles – reducing pain and increasing mobility. The neck and shoulder muscles – decreasing pain and improving mobility.
The Y-Strap works on its own but, as the anatomic differences between humans are significant, some users with less-pronounced occipital bone may find the Y-Strap to slip. On very dissimilar occipitals, using the chin strap can enhance one’s experience with the Y-Strap. The chin strap allows our customers to perform the Y-strap stretch on any occipital anatomy even if they have a high or wide occipital bone.

How to alleviate pain by doing cervical physical therapy at home?
The cervical traction harness tool alleviates pain in the neck, spine and upper back by decompression. The pressure between the vertebrae is released; this, in turn, increases blood flow in the previously restricted areas. The blood provides nutrients and nourishes the deprived tissues.
Cervical physical therapy at home is the best way to effectively deal with chronic neck pain. One way to do so is by using the Y-Strap Tool, which helps to alleviate neck pain, stiffness and muscle spasms. It is great for those who suffer from major injuries or work in strenuous conditions.